Update: Thanks to a comment from the Bensimon US PR rep, the shoes will be available in three weeks - yay! I'll be making a trip over to Bill Hallman next month to get my own pair.
Currently - even with the internet and Thomas Friedman's claim that the world is flat - it is impossible to get your hands on a new pair of Bensimon tennis shoes if you live in the U.S. You literally have to fly over to France and purchase them. So here's hoping that the shoes will be available stateside sooner than later.

I do the public relations for Bensimon here in the US and they will be available here in about 3 weeks once the shoes clear customs. They will be available at Bloomingdales, Tani (New York), Jumelle (Williamsburg, Brooklyn) Kick’s Sole Provider (Los Angeles), Lulu’s (Miami) and the Bill Hallman Boutique (Atlanta). They have styles for men, women, and kids. I hope you enjoy!
Thanks for the info, Andrea! I can't wait!
I've never heard of those shoes before! Nice. They look pretty sweet.
Ooh, I like the white pair..
was just browsing and found them online at shopjumelle.com. great colors. three different styles. and so affordable. i already purchased two pairs.
Thanks for the tip Anonymous!
www.thebensimongirls.blogspot.com for a list of retailers
all store locations and online retailers are listed on http://thebensimongirls.blogspot.com/, there is a lot of other information on that blog as well!
OMG!!! Bensimons flew off of the shelves! We can't even get pairs for ourselves. There are a few retailers left in the US with them. The current "best bets" are below. You might have to call and order!
Marie Eiffel
8 Grand Ave
Shelter Island, NY 11964
2020 Broadway # 1
New York, New York
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