The other half of AsianCajun returns! I have to say that I doubt this half was missed as the more consistent half is an excellent blogger. Thank you, Cath (sorry you had to pick up the slack)! Cath is a diligent and steadfast blogger. Even when sick she photoshops and artfully arranges recent purchases for appealing shots for you, dear Asiancajun reader.
In case you were wondering, I've been in excellent health and blame my lack of blogging on mild depression over my constant obsession in politics and burning out during my 8 hours a day on my Mac at work. Lame, I know.
Well, I'm here to put things to right (and give Cath a rest seeing as she is sick again, poor thing- all that extra blogging time she was putting in...). I figured I would jump back in with something soothing and easy on the eyes... Bafta red carpet photos! (We can delve into ongoing fashion weeks next entry, non?)
I think Marion Cotillard (see above photo) is incredible in "La Vie en Rose" as Edith Piaf. I'm slightly baffled by the cape-like white thing (tacked on with what looks like epaulets???), but I think it is a perfect confection of "Ephemera."

I have yet to see "Lust Caution," but I think Wei looks classically beautiful in this gown... not too trendy or trying-too-hard-to-be-sexy/sultry (like those other equally gorgeous ladies who, unfortunately, insist on constantly model-pouting in revealing dresses... kind of prosaic, I think).
Great Minds think...the same thing about Dior...
Eva Green, in Dior.
Sienna Miller, in Dior.
Great Minds think...the same thing about Dior...

Handsome eye-candy below. I happen to just think these fine fellas are extremely talented and loved them in "There Will Be Blood" and "Last King of Scotland" respectively. Also, they both possess gorgeous blue eyes and Irish and Scottish brogues. Unfortunately both also possess lovely, poised wives. Le sigh...
omg Daniel DAy Lewis looks so different hey!!! I absolutely love Wei's dresss yes you are right so classsy!
welcome back, and back away from the politics, the abyss of cynicism is looming
i think james mcavoy is single... well, in my dreams he is.
Those first two dresses are beyond charming. Lovely.
The Dior gowns' appeal eludes me. What do you think the fabric is? Perhaps it's the photos but they look ill-fitting.
And Daniel and James look fine.
Thanks for your blog; it's always interesting.
I have to agree with Tiffany about the Dior dresses, when I first saw them I thought both ladies looked a little lacking in the support area, If you know what I mean ;)
Bitterbabe, doesn't DDL look amazing for his age? Yeah, Wei's dress is gorgeous and it's always nice to see a little more diversity on the red carpet ;)
Jacquelyn, thanks for the welcome back! I'm on the edge, but I haven't jumped yet... though cynicism is a highly persuasive force.
oh lady e... I'm with you on that my dreams I mean. Unfortunately he does indeed have a wife, but i conveniently let the cute couple-y photo at the Baftas out of my post!
tiffany, I don't get it either. I like dior and I usually like what both of those ladies wear, but the fabric looks a bit like cheap witch costumes... or something I wore for performances in high school orchestra...ugh.
c.j.b... Yeah I agree! What I do like is the sexy, 1930s inspired cut, but they don't drape (or lift) as well as they could.
oh sad day... he's so cute, and i love mr. tumnus! i can't wait till that movie with him and angelina jolie comes out.
if it's alright, i'm going to add you to my list of links!
that chanel dress is absolutely stunning
That Jason Wu dress is beautiful.
ikoh i do love wei tang's dress. maybe i should go watch Lust Caution. haha
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