I've mentioned these yellow pumps from Payless before, but I couldn't find them when I went to the store. Luckily there's Payless.com where I purchased these yellow, patent pumps and had them in my possession in under five business days. They're a little more mustard-y than the website photo, but I've already thought up some great outfits to go with them.

I found these open-toed black pumps at Naturalizer.com. They were only $20 on sale, which is hard to beat considering that Naturalizers are usually more comfortable than your run-of-the-mill high-heeled shoes. The material is a kind of black satin and I love the scalloped edges.

I love the mustard yellow pumps, they are really cute. The satin heels look really delicate. Naturalizer is a really high quality brand.
Wendy, I've been very happy so far with my Naturalizer purchases - of course I always wait for the sales!
Oooh ditto on the mustard pumps. SO cute!
Fabulous shoes, both are simply beautiful.
I'm actually scared of buying shoes online, and with my geographical location it would certainly be a trouble for sellers, sigh... Any tips on sizing and fit for online purchases?
I also love hot you shot them :)
I agree - there are STILL winter sales go on here - but I am ready for the new spring stock already!
great finds!
Those black pumps are gorgeous! Really classy!
Thanks fashion therapist, bitterbabe and pomegranate!
Lynn, I wish I had some good advice, but I'm a solid 6.5 in shoe size, so I've never had a problem with ordering online. You should send in your question to Omiru.com - I bet they have some great ideas.
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