It's the usual story: go to Target for bottle of laundry detergent, leave Target with $90 hole in wallet. How does this happen? Is anyone else afflicted with this $90-detergent-shopping-spree disease? I mean, it was all necessary of course: Jovovich-Hawk dress, peasant blouse, Domino mag, Creme de Citron lotion (ooo lala), "About a Boy" (only $4.50!), and my favorite... a Marimekko-esque makebag...ooooo...

that's their strategy of course! And its working brilliantly! They display a marked down DVD, and u think "How can i resist?" and u probably had to go thru a couple of unnessecary departments to get to wear u really want to go.
Evil genius!
I'm the exact same way and that happened to me last weekend because I didn't think that the Jovovich-Hawk collection was in stores yet, but to my surprise of course it was. A hundred bucks later I came out with more than my $5.99 pack of paper towel. Gotta love Tar-(jet).
i definately suffer the target over-spender affliction. everything's so cheap you go crazy, but then you get your total at the check out and it's like, 'how did this happen'
Excellent purchase, especially the blouses and makeup bag!
I love Domino Mag - we unfortunately don't get it in South Africa, but I love their website!!!
Story of my life.
ahhh let me not even get into to my weekly tarjet bindges!!! And all of the outer aisles have sale items ridiculously cheap, how can you freakin resist! And I always justify my overspending by telling myself it was on sale :)!
OH how I wish we had target here in canada, i'm missing out so much!
I can never go to target without throwing a bunch of stuff into the shopping cart and then after I finish shopping and am back home, I forget to buy the thing I was going there for in the first place, my conditioner.
That blouse is so spesh, im the same when i pop into asda (english supermarket)i always get clothing or/and a mag.
I cannot express to you the amount of time and money I have spent in target. Especially after moving and setting up my apartment, in other words, oh, we need a rug, and I could use this dress! But I will say, that issue of Domino is rather fab.
Something similar [and funny] happened to me. I went to target to return something and from the corner of my eye saw the Jovovich-Hawk collection. I ran to it held so many things up to me then I ran out before it was to late! (I had no money at the time! haha)
I love going to Target, they have almost everything!
It is not just Target with me. The same thing happens in CVS and Home Depot. Clothes, makeup, home repair items- they practically scream at me to buy them!
oooh yeah marimekko, go finland! :D
ps love your blog ;>
when i go to target, i make my mom hold my purse or leave it in the car. I CANNOT BE DETERRED. i do manage to wiggle a pair of tights or a powerbar into the cart eventually though.
tis what happens..been there, done that :D
I knew I wasn't alone!
Thanks for all the comments, fashion/blogging gurus!
Giving someone else the responsibility of my purse seems like a good idea. Cath is usually my voice of reason, so maybe I should just abstain from Tarjay binges when alone. United we stand. Divided... I stuff my shopping cart full of frivolity. Oooo... even now that sounds fun...
omg! i went to target this weekend too and dropped way too much money!
I looove that Jovovich-Hawk dress, I almost bought it when I went into target the other day. I went in for insoles and came out with a shirt and some make-up, and this happens to me far more than it should. The deals are too good sometimes.
Sorry, I've been popping over to your blog every now and then for the past few months, I really like it.
omg i love domino mag!;)
I swear that every time I go, I spend over $100, but by the time I get home I'm convinced that there is something at Target that I inevitably didn't see, an must go back the next week.
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