Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Stylish Folk
Whilst teetering around Form .02 in my 4 inch heels on Saturday, I managed to snap a few photos of some gorgeous/stylish people in attendance. Feast your eyes above and below:
Outfits for Decatur Fashion "Week"

below: Lar's shoes: Bakers
While the lovely models strutted down the runway (i.e. the middle of the courtroom floor at Decatur's Old Courthouse), Cath and I posed in the deteriorating back room (where they store tables, chairs and riff-raf).
For Form .02 (see post below if confused) we wanted to look twin-y without being obnoxious about it. Same American Apparel dress, different colors. It's not a particularly trendy or edgy ensemble (on-saun-blah), but it served its purpose well. Bravo AA! Cheap-ish and flatter-ish (I had to keep remembering to suck in my tummy... soon forgotten after beer #2). What class!
Fashion Week: Decatur, Georgia

Okay, so less like a fashion week and more like a fashion hour, but very impressive for our small town. Cath and I spent most of our Saturday evening at Form .02 (i.e. Decatur Fashion "Week"). It was an impressive turnout. The Olsen's weren't there and Carine stayed home, but otherwise it was nearly identical to Paris just a few weeks ago... ahemhem.

All photos © AsianCajuns
Participating Decatur Boutiques:
Boogaloos, DressCodes, Eviva, Kaleidoscope, Peggy's Boutique, Squash Blossom, Whit's End, and Wiggle.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Pre-Summer Outfits
Things are really beginning to heat up here in Atlanta. Usually I don't look forward to summer fashions because I never feel like you can be as creative without layers, but this year I'm determined to make the best of it. It's a good excuse to go through the accessories that I already own and work them into a warmer-weather outfit.
For example, Lauren used my brown woven belt with her new wide-leg jeans to give the outfit a vintage feel and the pointed piano scarf helps emphasize the vertical line.
Scarf: secondhand
Shirt: American Apparel
Jeans: Bill Hallman Atlanta
Belt: secondhand
I'm so happy that vests are still in style this summer. They add a lot of texture to an outfit without making it too warm for the season. On a side note, I made a quick trip to Office Depot today. The guy at the counter asked me what kind of stone was on my necklace. I had to tell him the's plastic.
Dress: American Apparel
Vest: Anthropologie sales rack
Necklace: Target
For example, Lauren used my brown woven belt with her new wide-leg jeans to give the outfit a vintage feel and the pointed piano scarf helps emphasize the vertical line.

Shirt: American Apparel
Jeans: Bill Hallman Atlanta
Belt: secondhand
I'm so happy that vests are still in style this summer. They add a lot of texture to an outfit without making it too warm for the season. On a side note, I made a quick trip to Office Depot today. The guy at the counter asked me what kind of stone was on my necklace. I had to tell him the's plastic.

Vest: Anthropologie sales rack
Necklace: Target
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Two More Internet Resources
Not like we need anymore reasons to shop, but I had to share these two websites I found.
1. Brooklyn Industries is a small chain-let in NYC. They have great clothing and accessories for men and women. Most of the clothing comes in muted colors and modern shapes, which I love. Make sure to check out the sale section - you can find some really good deals.

2. Lulu's has super feminine clothing (no men's clothing) that is very similar to what you'd find at Urban Outfitters. In fact, I recognized some of the accessories from UO, but on Lulu's they're much cheaper. I'll definitely be checking this site often.

Edit (12:14 am) by LL: I actually "discovered" Lulu through this newly discovered blog:
Fatal Attraction 2 Fashion (thanks FA2F!). Check it out, folks!
1. Brooklyn Industries is a small chain-let in NYC. They have great clothing and accessories for men and women. Most of the clothing comes in muted colors and modern shapes, which I love. Make sure to check out the sale section - you can find some really good deals.

2. Lulu's has super feminine clothing (no men's clothing) that is very similar to what you'd find at Urban Outfitters. In fact, I recognized some of the accessories from UO, but on Lulu's they're much cheaper. I'll definitely be checking this site often.

Fatal Attraction 2 Fashion (thanks FA2F!). Check it out, folks!
"Business Suits"
We're both lucky enough that neither one of us have to wear a business suit everyday to work, but we still like to look somewhat pulled together.
Lauren prepped things up by scrunching up the sleeves of her blazer.
Blazer: secondhand
Shirt: Gap (red)
Skirt: Express (ages ago)
Shoes: Payless
Ring: College ring
Necklace: Urban Outfitters
Pretty soon it will be way too hot to wear tights, so I'm taking full advantage of them this month.
Shirt: Gap
Skirt: American Apparel
Belt: H&M
Shoes: Target
Lauren prepped things up by scrunching up the sleeves of her blazer.

Shirt: Gap (red)
Skirt: Express (ages ago)
Shoes: Payless
Ring: College ring
Necklace: Urban Outfitters
Pretty soon it will be way too hot to wear tights, so I'm taking full advantage of them this month.

Skirt: American Apparel
Belt: H&M
Shoes: Target
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Our Kind of Jewelry

We've never really agreed with the saying "diamonds are a girl's best friend." That could be because we can't afford them and have therefore never given them a proper chance to be our bosom buddies, but we honestly don't feel the need. Don't get us wrong. We love shiny, sparkly things, but that encompasses everything thing from glitter to a thoroughly scrubbed hubcap.
We understand that we aren't quite cutting edge enough to pull off the latter as adornments, so we happily drape ourselves in June Shin's gorgeous daubs! Dainty, but not prissy; elegant, but not stuffy; unique, but not overly trendy or trying too hard.
We lucky ladies of Decatur can hop over to Dresscodes any time to see what June has cooking (these photos are from their current selection of June's wares). Other ATL locations include Sole, Veruca, Tracy Ewell Cosmetics. Out-of-towners, don't fret! She is available on line too, at Etsy! Oh, bless! Check out her lovely blog too, while you're at it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Weekend Recap
With 3 dance performances and the parents in town for a few days we jammed a lot into the weekend. Below are just a few of the highlights.
Our dance friends are ridiculously stylish. Not only can they drape Ikea sheets like pros (see earlier post), they're also true fashionistas off stage. Below Becca and Stacey prove my point. Becca is dressed in vintage finds and Stacey is head to toe in Target - and they both look fabulous! You can check out another dancer friend's style on her own blog: Hiking in Stilettos.

A weekend would not be complete without a few stops in some local boutiques. DressCodes is one of our favorites - great clothing and a super cute (and friendly) guard dog.

After the Saturday night performance we celebrated with dessert at Cakes & Ale - Decatur's newest restaurant. The pistachio and strawberry ice cream Baked Alaska (left) is the best I've had. The Phatty Cakes (right) are soft ginger cookies with a creme filling - perfect with a cup of coffee from a French press.

While stuffing our faces with Phatty Cakes, we met fellow blogger and local jeweler extraordinaire June Shin. More on that in another post!
To sum it up, a good time was had by all. I wouldn't mind having more weekends like this one.
Our dance friends are ridiculously stylish. Not only can they drape Ikea sheets like pros (see earlier post), they're also true fashionistas off stage. Below Becca and Stacey prove my point. Becca is dressed in vintage finds and Stacey is head to toe in Target - and they both look fabulous! You can check out another dancer friend's style on her own blog: Hiking in Stilettos.

A weekend would not be complete without a few stops in some local boutiques. DressCodes is one of our favorites - great clothing and a super cute (and friendly) guard dog.

After the Saturday night performance we celebrated with dessert at Cakes & Ale - Decatur's newest restaurant. The pistachio and strawberry ice cream Baked Alaska (left) is the best I've had. The Phatty Cakes (right) are soft ginger cookies with a creme filling - perfect with a cup of coffee from a French press.

While stuffing our faces with Phatty Cakes, we met fellow blogger and local jeweler extraordinaire June Shin. More on that in another post!
To sum it up, a good time was had by all. I wouldn't mind having more weekends like this one.
food for foodies,
local shopping,
Out and About,
Tag: Personal Quirks

photo: USA today
Juliam of Over the Undies and Stephanie of My 20 Something Cents both tagged us. Thanks ladies! Here's what it's all about:The rules:
* link to the person that tagged you
* post the rules on your blog
* share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
* tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
* let each random person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Six quirks you're going to wish you never knew.
1. If I spend more than a couple of minutes in a room I start redecorating it in my head.
2. I'm constantly pressing down the cuticles of my nails - I feel like it helps them grow. I don't even like having long finger nails.
3. I can't go to sleep without reading a few pages of a book/magazine first.
4. I'm always pointing my feet - left over from my ballet days I suppose.
5. I don't recycle any fashion magazines until I've gone through them one last time and ripped out the pages that I think are inspiring.
6. I start to get panicky on long road trips if I can't find the local NPR station.
1. I've always wanted a triplet (not that you aren't enough, C! But I know you feel the same way)
2. I always have a book with me wherever I go, even if I don't end up reading it. It's a bit like a security blanket for me. I feel panic-y if I don't have reading material and get stuck some place with nothing to do.
3. I flush public toilets with my foot instead of my hand (I do realize how this is unfair and equally unsanitary for the next person- I try to use the side edge of my shoe!).
4. I have an unnatural aversion to running long distances... I find it unnatural.
5. The more nervous/uncomfortable I am, the higher my voice. On two separate occasions by two different strangers, I was told I sounded like Mini-Mouse and that I should get a job with Adult Swim.
6. I'm superstitious... always the right shoe on first.
We tag:
Hiking in Stilettos
Breaking Curfew
Faith Salutes
Hand it Over
If some of you bloggers aren't big fans of tags we won't take it personally if you don't continue the tag.
Monday, April 21, 2008
British Invasion

Saturday, April 19, 2008
A Modest Proposal

How to Wear a Sheet (while Dancing)

sheets: IKEA
leotards and tights: various
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Dearest Blog Readers,
As always, thank you, thank you for checking out our blog and leaving those lovely comments. They really make our day!
We just thought we would give you all a heads-up about our impending hectic schedule (see post below): dance rehearsals, performances, and the always supportive 'rents will be in town. We will still blog, but won't have too much time to check out everyone else's creativity– this is tragic because it's a highlight to our day (sooo many creative fashionistas, etc. out there!)... We'll be back in business by the middle of next week.
In the meantime, we promise a few outfit posts, and possibly a picture of our oh-so-fashionable (urrr... ) costumes (think "toga"- yeah, the kind you make with a sheet).
Have a lovely week/weekend! We'll chat/comment soon!
The AsianCajuns
As always, thank you, thank you for checking out our blog and leaving those lovely comments. They really make our day!
We just thought we would give you all a heads-up about our impending hectic schedule (see post below): dance rehearsals, performances, and the always supportive 'rents will be in town. We will still blog, but won't have too much time to check out everyone else's creativity– this is tragic because it's a highlight to our day (sooo many creative fashionistas, etc. out there!)... We'll be back in business by the middle of next week.
In the meantime, we promise a few outfit posts, and possibly a picture of our oh-so-fashionable (urrr... ) costumes (think "toga"- yeah, the kind you make with a sheet).
Have a lovely week/weekend! We'll chat/comment soon!
The AsianCajuns
The AsianCajuns are Dancin'

Well, these photos are just for fun (taken pre-rehearsal). We will actually be on stage (i.e. somewhat legitimate) this Friday, Saturday and Sunday! I added that exclamation right there in hopes to get you just as excited! (there's another!)
Now we know not everyone is a big fan of modern dance, but that's what we'll be doing for the rest of the week (rehearsal and performances). And if you don't know what modern dance is, go here. Or if you are still confused and/or more visually inclined, see below:

In nooooo way am I comparing the AsianCajuns to these virtuosos, we just wanted to make sure you didn't think we were making this modern dance thing up.
If these photos catch your fancy and you live in the ATL/Decatur area, please do attend!
What: Agnes Scott College's Studio Dance Theatre's Spring Perfomance
When: Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 8 pm, and Sunday at 3 pm
Who: The lovely and talented Agnes Scott students/ members of Studio Dance Theatre, as well as a handful of alums (the AsianCajuns are in that handful).
Why: Because tickets to Mark Morris and Alvin Ailey cost a lot more, and these girls aren't Jose Limon, but they are pretty darned good!
If these photos catch your fancy and you live in the ATL/Decatur area, please do attend!
What: Agnes Scott College's Studio Dance Theatre's Spring Perfomance
When: Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 8 pm, and Sunday at 3 pm
Who: The lovely and talented Agnes Scott students/ members of Studio Dance Theatre, as well as a handful of alums (the AsianCajuns are in that handful).
Why: Because tickets to Mark Morris and Alvin Ailey cost a lot more, and these girls aren't Jose Limon, but they are pretty darned good!
Springtime Inspiration: Chinoiserie
If I had all the money in the world I would cover my walls in hand-painted wallpaper by de Gournay. I especially love their Chinoiserie styles:

Seeing as I don't have all the money in the world and am in a rental, de Gournay Chinoiserie paper is out of the question for me. After searching online for a few minutes I found that I could easily get my Chinoiserie fix with some reasonably priced dresses.
L to R: Cutesy Girl, Tulle, Blue Fly, YesStyle, Delias

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Scarf-band. Yea or Nay?

I've been a big fan of scarves as head-wear for a long time: folded into a kerchief triangle, wrapped around my head and tied at the nape, and a short-lived sock-hop phase tied around the ponytail. Not all good, admittedly, but that doesn't curb my enthusiasm for new styles. Hence the rambo-like trial run above.

The scarf-band (does this trend have a more legitimate name?) is meant to look resurrected-boho rather than Sylvester, but you tell me, are you guys going to try it? Do you think it works when paired with Minnetonkas and a flowy dress?
I couldn't find any good full blown boho outfit photos to support my case, but Free People is charging $24 for their rambo scarves (I got mine from my Aunt Lizzie for free... vintage love):

Friday, April 11, 2008
Bless Your Little Heart
Lauren and I attended the Pecan Pie Couture "Revival" charity fashion show last Sunday. Having missed the previous - and much talked about - Pecan Pie Couture shows, we were determined to make it this season. Clint Zeagler (PPC's founder and designer) seems to know everyone worth knowing in Atlanta and then gets them to put on an evening of entertainment that centers around his fashion line.
The theme of Sunday night's show was "Bless Your Little Heart," which in the South is the equivalent of saying "Screw you - with sugar on top." The models danced around on stage wearing Pecan Pie's popular all-natural dyed, screen-printed, southern-themed shirts and flouncy skirts. The Thin White Clouds, Dames Aflame, and Francine Reed (a Decatur/Atlanta favorite and pictured singing in the last image below) were just some of the evening's great entertainment.
Seeing as we AsianCajuns aren't top notch photographers, I recommend checking out Brent Walker's photos of the event on his website.
The theme of Sunday night's show was "Bless Your Little Heart," which in the South is the equivalent of saying "Screw you - with sugar on top." The models danced around on stage wearing Pecan Pie's popular all-natural dyed, screen-printed, southern-themed shirts and flouncy skirts. The Thin White Clouds, Dames Aflame, and Francine Reed (a Decatur/Atlanta favorite and pictured singing in the last image below) were just some of the evening's great entertainment.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Springtime for...
us and Decatur!

All photos taken in the Decatur Cemetery (sounds morbid, but is actually a gorgeous historic, green space right in the heart of the city). The middle photo is Cath with her bf Andrew, a philosophy student (see the manner of his pose: very apt).
* * * * * * *
Post Addition:
I had to include this picture of Lauren in her own post because I love her outfit and think the image shows off her mermaid hair. One of the main physical differences between the two of us is our hair. Lauren's hair is longer and highlighted. I have bangs and am too cheap to get highlights. I always call Lar's hair mermaid hair because it's always flow-y with the right amount of waviness.
Top: H&M (I think)
Shorts: American Apparel
Boots: Minnetonka

* * * * * * *
Post Addition:
I had to include this picture of Lauren in her own post because I love her outfit and think the image shows off her mermaid hair. One of the main physical differences between the two of us is our hair. Lauren's hair is longer and highlighted. I have bangs and am too cheap to get highlights. I always call Lar's hair mermaid hair because it's always flow-y with the right amount of waviness.

Shorts: American Apparel
Boots: Minnetonka
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Picasso on Safari

Here's the breakdown of the Picasso-on-Safari outfit:
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