Monday, September 1, 2008


A little bit of gentle frivolity to ease you back into the work/school week.
Hope you all had wonderful weekends!

The inspiration (Balmain, Gucci, Erin Wasson):

The purchases (Zara, Newport News):

photos courtesy of



Elizabeth said...

I love both of those. Nice picks.

kittenmasks said...

Cute, cute!! And isn't Balmain the best??

WendyB said...

Fringed boots are hot!

TINA said...

Those boots are cute cute cute! I absolutely love booties!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Loving the patenet buckle boot. I'm still craving studs...

E. said...

Oooh I love both of them!

You could even get little gold studs and super-glue them on the fringed ones... :) DIY Gucci!

kokostiletto said...


i am so glad that booties are still in this fall! LOVE YOUR PURCHASES!
fringe is SO in this fall!!!

Fashion Trend Guide said...

I am loving the fringed boots. Very nice!

Sharon said...

Oh girls-excellent finds, both these styles are awesome, well done!!

Songy said...

I firmly believe that I can do that look during the summer months which are heading our way. Good purchases! indeed.

aizat.cinta.goddess said...

the fringe shoes is so cool!!

Unknown said...

ooh great buys!!! can't wait to see both pairs on!

LizBlair said...

I've been a boot wearer from way back. I actually have quite a few pairs. As usual, I have been thinking about getting the look for less money. I was thinking that I should add a few studs and/or buckles to update the styles of the ones I already have.

I always enjoy hearing from you guys and I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the Twilight series.

I just finished knitting a great bright blue sweater with a British flag covering the entire front. Its the coolest sweater I've ever seen. I don't know if I'll get a picture of it one the website, though.

I've also done a some new fashion illustrations that I should post, but I am very busy here with school about to start.

this wheel's on fire said...

love love love

Rachael said...

I spy a pilfered Wordsmiths chair...

Mare said...

Love the boots you bought. Personally, I can't have enough boots...and although I intensely dislike the winter, I get to wear my boots! Actually, summer doesn't stop me, hmmm. Anyway, come on fall!

I also love the fashion photos you posted.

WendyB said...

I want the fringey ones. Jealous.

Ariel said...

So delicious! I need some fringe booties BAD. I think I saw you guys last weekend. On Sunday I think. I went to Atlantic Station and was gonna get some shoes and I could've SWORN it was one of you. . .but maybe not. And then later I went to the Decatur book fest and I thought I saw -- But maybe I'm just going kinda crazy. (laughs) I do love those boots though.

Anonymous said...

The fringeboots are awesome!!!

yiqin; said...

I LOVE the fringe boots!!!! Ahh I need to find a pair of nice ankle boots too!

Danielle said...

Hi, ladies! You guys have amazing style, and you're definitely on point with the bootie trend! Loves! I work for, an online shoe boutique, and we'd love to hook you up with some shoes. Let me know if you're interested -- Thanks!

Always In Style said...

Great scores...wear them well!