Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday Night Plans in Atlanta

Who, What and When:
See Kingsized this Saturday 6-10 pm.

The Wren's Nest amphitheatre
1050 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd. SW
Atlanta, GA 30310

Oh- so many reasons!
1) Dancing your pants off (literally- if you want to!) to the big band music of Kingsized
2) The Food. Taqueria del Sol is catering this feast- reason enough to be the first in line.
3) The money goes to The Wren's Nest. Don't know what that is or why you should care? Go here and here.
4) We'll be there! Not an inducement? How about the best margaritas in the world (I'm not exaggerating)?!

So, are you guys coming?
You can buy tickets here (hit the donate button) or just call 404-753-7735 (these folks are super-friendly on the phone and never let it ring more than once. Serious. Just try it).



Angela said...

looks fun but i am too far away.

Sharon said...

Hi there-I'll be there in spirit-have a drink for me, girls!!

Songy said...

Some people are just lucky aren't they! Have fun.

Ella Gregory said...

Sounds fun.

LizBlair said...

I wish I lived close to Atlanta! In Columbus Ohio there is a big Andy Warhol exhibit at the Ohio State campus and I would love to go to some of the parties! Unfortunately, between my work and taking care of my son, I probably won't go, but back in my younger single days, I would have been there!

toogood said...

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