Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Fringe Trend

So I know this isn't a new trend, but I can't seem to pull myself away from swingy strings (witness here and here). I love the way fringe moves- on a purse, on boots, on dresses, etc. And what better to wear to your holiday parties? It's as happy and lively as a reindeer jumper or santa aplique sweatshirt... and at times (meaning, always... except perhaps when said jumper is worn by a certain gentleman) sexier.

I've just bought a cheapie fringe shift from H&M, whilst lusting after all below:

Balmain has been fringey for a few seasons now. Above is from Fall RTW 08.

My personal favorite at the moment, Alessandro dell' Aqua... something to do with the combo of belts, boots and fringe (Spr RTW 09).

A bit more avant garde: Ann Demeulmeester sandwiched by Jil Sander (Spr RTW 09).



Mira Maulia said...

I lurve ur blog!
ur style is so awsome :)


this wheel's on fire said...

love the fringe & colin firth :)

Lisa said...

Oohh I think I know the fringe shift from H&M you're talking about! It's pretty awesome. I'd love to see how you style it!

Anonymous social worker said...

I like Alessandro dell' Aqua the best[ not only because he has the coolest last name in the history of the world]

Unknown said...

Ooo shimmy and shake. I think you have a love of fringe similar and equal to my love of sequins and floral prints. Just something about it keeps drawing you back! The Demeulmeester is magic. It would take guts and a very flat chest to wear the fringe with nothing on underneath though!

saray said...

I love Balmain fringe from Fall RTW 08! the white dress is tdf

Sharon said...

Hi there-I adore the fringe look too, I'll rock this trend when I find the right piece!!

Songy said...

I"m totally with Franco. That name just grabbed me.

WendyB said...

I got a fringe jacket from TopShop. Need to pick it up from the tailor!

theleila said...

will y'all be putting up a pic of yourself in the h&m dress? would like to see a nice affordable variety ha!

Anonymous said...

I nearly brought home my uncle's suede fringe vest from the 60s over Thanksgiving, but I knew I just couldn't pull it off. I should have my mom send it to you, Lauren.

June Shin said...

You'll need to show us your fringe!

Unknown said...

I love it...LOVE LOVE IT!!!

molly said...

belts, boots and fringe??
how could i possibly resist??

Mrs. R said...

It's so nice when something you love becomes fashionable. So many trends are just...downright objectionable to me, but fringe is a joy.=)

Kristina said...

i had the loveliest fringe back, an old, leather, vintage one, it was my mothers...but it was so old it eventually fell apart...i miss it, fringe is so great.

{Tara} said...

Ok, that's it, I'm bringing out my vintage fringe dress that I haven't worn since Halloween 1994, LOL.

Charmaine Li said...

i think i tried on the fringe dress you'er talking about it! it was so fun to move around in it with the fringe moving back and forth!

Fashion Tidbits said...

"that" gentlemen is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FINE!!!!!! I'm a Firth fan all the way

Unknown said...

haha... LOVED bridget jones...

and love that first balmain dress..

ps. the pkg is in the mail with an added surprise

Couture Carrie said...

Ooooh I love the extralong fringe! And I am also enamored of the A d'A boots!


Daughter said...

I am most impressed by the successful use of "santa aplique sweatshirt" in a sentence.

glory said...

love the finges too, but here in mexico the trend take long time to como so i don`t find anything fringe..... i`ll have to make myself something.... kisses..
and love the post about the scarfs.

Diane said...

fringe is so fabulous!

Elizabeth said...

I love the Balmain fringe, especially the silver.