If you have not checked out Regator.com, do so now. It's a fantastic website that lists and organizes thousands of the best blogs out there. (Fellow bloggers, if your blog isn't on the site, make sure to nominate it!)

Ryan of OhSnapKid.com took pictures of everyone standing next to Reg, the gator/team captain/mascot of Regator. As you can see, Lauren is looking fabulously glamorous. I, on the other hand, appear to be chewing the insides of my checks (I was trying to do an impression of Reg and started laughing when the photo was taken). Ah well, we can't all be photogenic like our twin sisters...
Glamor shots aside, the party was a lot of fun: excellent music, unlimited drinks and great company. We attended the party with friends and talented bloggers, Amelia and Lain, and finally got to meet face to face with the writers of the following blogs:
I believe a good time was had by all.
Photos from Oh Snap Kid. See the rest of the Regator launch party photos here.
For the record, Cath, you are usually 100% more photogenic than me (I gots the wide face thang ;)
I feel so dumb-- I kept seeing the word 'refrigerator' and thinking to myself "this doesn't make any sense." Then I looked at the gator and *ding*, the light bulb went off.
I think you both look great. If it makes you feel any better during Christmas each time my pic was taken my eyes were closed. Like in EVERY single photo. Okay, maybe there isn't a correlation...
haha! both of you are photogenic! let´s say he wasn´t a good photographer!!
you look like celebrities btw!
Sounds great. I really wonder what it is like to meet bloggers in real life...
What a cute photo!
you two look glam and cute....
I saw the fringe boots on Zara today... lucky!!! They are so pretty:)
thats so funny.
i added a new song today-
but the thing is- i don't always add music i love- sometimes - i add songs that makes me think of a pic or vice versa
anyway- thanks for visiting my blog :)
very smart looking! was rad meeting y'all too - so much fun to look through those pics. A very good night.
It was a great night. Thanks for coming out! I'm sure we'll see you both around town! Everyone else - Check out the site and tell your friends (and your mum!).
Scott, Kimberly and Chris (the Regator.com team!)
Isn't that blog the sweetest? I came across it while searching flickr for pink things.
i love that picture!
Sounds like fun! Good blogging tip!
Hi Stephanie! Yeah, I think Regator has a better ring to it than Refrigerator ;).
Key, you're so sweet!
The Clothes Horse, it was so much fun to meet our fellow Atlanta bloggers in person. I think it would be so cool for all of us fashion bloggers to get together.
Thanks Wendy B and Savvy Mode!
Amie, did you get them? Lauren won't stop wearing them!
Ediot, I totally understand what you mean. Sometime I don't like a song until I associate it with something.
Leila, likewise! I hope we get to meet again soon!
Scott, Kimberly and Chris, you guys threw a fantastic party. We so glad Regator is based in Decatur and look forward to seeing you guys around town!
Hi Ace!
This Wheels on Fire, thanks for the kind words :).
Anjeanette, definitely check out Regator. Let us know what you think!
Nah, I think you look cute!
How fab you two look in that picture!!
Thanks for the tip on regator!
meeting fellow bloggers is an interesting experience. I did managed to meet a WA's famous blogger the other day and she was incredibly generous.. giving me tips etc.. it's great to get to know new people. all too good, isn't it?
i forgot to tell you - GREAT finally meeting you both!
Hope to see you at another event very soon!
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