I remember wanting to see The Fall when it came out in theaters last spring, but I never got around to it. At the urging of our mom, Lauren and I finally rented it this week. I'm kicking myself for not going to see it in theaters because it's so beautiful. It's a fantastic film and I don't know why a bigger deal hasn't been made about it.
The acting is wonderful (Catinca Untaru is the best child actor I've ever seen and Lee Pace is my new movie star crush), the cinematography is breathtaking and the storyline has a perfect mix of agony and hope. It's like taking all the best parts from Pan's Labyrinth, Princess Bride, Return to Oz and The Life Aquatic and turning it into a film.
Obviously I am no film critic, so go see it for yourself and tell me what you think!

The Fall was filmed over a period of four years in 18 different countries: India, Argentina, Indonesia, Brazil, Cambodia, South Africa, Czech Republic, Chile, China, Egypt, Fiji, Nepal, Italy, Maldives, Namibia, France, Romania and Turkey.

I loved the opening credits (below). I know the stils look nothing like the rest of the film. To see how it all ties together go rent the movie!

Update: Style Discovery did an excellent post on the costumes in The Fall, so check it out!
OMG OMG OMG! Can I tell you how ecstatic I am that you posted about this movie! I saw it in theaters earlier this year and by FAR - one of my favorites. Such a feel good movie!
Hmm...I'll keep it mind. But Return to Oz is a little disturbing to me. Maybe I'm just chicken.
Fashion Therapist, I'm glad to hear that you love it just as much as we do!
Stephanie, Lauren and I grew up watching Return to Oz so we love it. But don't worry, The Fall isn't as disturbing :).
The pictures are so gorgeous. I can imagine what the cinematography is like. I have to remember this one for my list. Thanks for the suggestion!
Oh dear. You girls bit me to it. The Fall was listed in my post schedule for this week. What are the chances!! This movie isn't all that new either. Great minds think a like? LOL
How come I never heard of it? It looks gorgeous!! I don't think I'm going to find it over here, but I'll look for it in Amazon..
I agree, the still are gorgeous! A friend of mine reviewed this and did indeed see it in theatres... Lucky! http://mittenandmoustache.blogspot.com/2008/07/fall.html
Wow, looks beautiful! I must check it out. You have some great recommendations.
it looks so great! never heard of it before...must watch! :)
I thought I was up on the latest films but I've never heard of it. It looks like it would be worth seeing just for the fantastic scenery!
i love watching movies, how can i miss this one? will check it out. thanks for sharing.
June, let me know what you think!
Songy, I hope you still do your post! It would be great to see a different point of view.
Alya, I hope you can find it on Amazon. It has won a couple of awards so hopefully it's not too hard to find.
Terri, did you see it? What are your thoughts? The NY Times totally and completely trashed it, which is just further proof that I'm no movie critic. I would have given it two thumbs up! ;)
Noel and this wheel's on fire, I hope you guys enjoy it!
liz blair and savvymode sg, I think it was only in theaters for a limited time. Hopefully it will be more successful as a DVD!
Oh wow, I hadn't heard of this movie but I REALLY want to see it now! The costumes and locations are so stunning and it definitely sounds like the kind of movie I would enjoy! Thanks so much for posting about it.
Also, I'm currently running a contest on my blog to win a $25 gift certificate from a lovely online boutique. Hope you'll check it out!
Have a great day tomorrow :)
i ahve to see that!
OMG I just recently watched this as well!
I thought it was visually stunning, but the story line was not that deep. Granted yes I love that little girl!!!!!!! It was beautifully made movie!!!!!!!!
His movie The Cell was not perfect, but the visuals were so amazing I knew The Fall would be the same. I didn't care for some of the story, but the photography and locations were really cool.
I read that the scenes with the girl and actor in the hospital bed were filmed with the crew way out of site and she really thought she was talking to a real person, not an actor. That's how her (cute) lines sounded so real.
coincidence? a friend of mine just saw this movie recently and since then is urging all of us to watch it with him because it left such a big impression on him. He says its by far the best movie he has seen in a long time, and it must mean something because he is a movie maniac. I am now very curious to watch this movie. he even offered to invite us for cinema if the movie is to hit our movie theaters. and that means even more.
what a beautiful mix of cultures!the pics are beautiful!i wish it was here so i can rent it too=(
ooh i saw songy's post.. the cinematography looks fantastic! and i adore lee pace!! he went to my rival high school down the street.. lol
If yo like Lee Pace, you should try watching the TV show "Pushing Daisies" -- it is the greatest thinge evah.
WOW. this is definitely on my hitlist now.
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