Hi Wonderful Readers!
AsianCajuns has moved to:
Woohoo! This is the beginning of the changes we alluded to before.

607 blog posts, 27 months, and 121 followers (we love you guys!) later... we decided to change it up. We're hoping to make a better blog for you guys and for us. We hope to inspire a little more and edit better (our design, our fashion, our content). We'd love to hear your imput on our new "digs" and let us know if you have any recommendations.
Let us know if you aren't linked on our new site, and if you would like to link us back you can find us here.
As always, thanks for reading and following us. We're excited to see you guys at our new home, www.asiancajuns.com!
Best wishes girls...
shall update your link now!
excited for the updates, but mostly i just wanted to say...guys, this photo of you is just GORGEOUS. you both look sooooooo smokin'! good luck with the new hosting :)
Hey I really love your site - I just discovered it through Xtraskinny and you girls totally rock.
I'm adding you to my blogroll.
Congrats on your new website. Cheers! :)
Good luck!
i love u're pic dear...it so adorable dear :)
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