Friday, April 10, 2009

Tarjay Boots a la Isabel Marant

These chains on my $35 Target boots (from 3 years ago no less!) were a pre-work, early morning D.I.Y. It took me all of 30 seconds to grab some chains and safety pins and slap some faux Isabel Marant style on them (see the real deal below).

Isabel Marant boot- le swoon. The next stage of D.I.Y for my boots will be scouring Salvation Armys for faux Chanel purses, cutting off the straps, and wrapping them around my own boots.

I decided to wear my new white jeans with them. White jeans used to scare the bejebus out of me (aren't they magnets for red wine and other embarrassing stains that magically end up on your rear?), but I've always loved them, and decided to stop being such a weenie. If inanimate objects can possess confidence or sprezzatura, white jeans seem to have it.

ps- Thank you for all the sweet, sweet comments about our style awards mess! We loved all your comments-- and we'll continue our musings on Atlanta fashion.

pps- Stay tuned, readers for some excellent AsianCajun deals at this store (they ship international too!): Heliotrope.

Happy Saturday!!!


JuliaFuentes said...

loved the boots

Alya said...

I love the look of white jeans. So fresh and really cute. But I agree when you say they're magnets for any spillage!

Its good that you beat the beast!

ryder said...

nice work-looks effortless!

susie_bubble said...

I think I've seen haberdashery shops which sell those kind of fabric interwoven chains....that way you won't need to buy the purses!

Lesley said...

Aww I LOVE what you did with those boots! They look great!

Mom Fashion World said...

you're so creative!
another round of applause for DIY boots!
i love your smile in this photo.

Lisa said...

Nice job on the DIY!

Daughters of Dawn said...

Awesome job!! It makes me wanna start adding chains to all of my boots

Fashion Cappuccino said...

The boots look so awesome with the chains on! You look so chic in white jeans! xxoxoxo

Noormol said...

cute! I'm pretty sure you can find the same chains at a craft store or online (with out having to cut purse straps), if not they're selling faux chanel bags at forever21 :)

Winnie said...

Oh this turned out great and a fab substitute until you find some other chains to wrap around the boots! Thw white jeans are a winner!

Mare said...

The boots look fantastic--I looooove the chains. And I've always loved white jeans, but they've scared me too; you've inspired me to try them.

Sharon said...

Hi there-I love the white jeans and black boot combo-so stylish indeed!

phamzy said...

diy genius! love the boots! oh, actually so envious of that idea!

Lainey said...

How cool is that?! I seriously need to create more stuff on my own. I wish I had the time and materials to do it. awesome boots!

Angela said...

super stylish.

LizBlair said...

I like little tips like these that help you to save money by embellishing and updating stuff you already have. This idea to add chains to my boots has occurred to me, but I don't think I've actually ever gotten around to doing it. Anyway, I like the look and it does look new and expensive!

Aline said...

what a cool DIY!

Unknown said...

ooh i'm in love with the isabel marant boots... love your DIY boots

SK said...

i've been having this project in mind! i gotta go to the garment district in korea for all the projects i have in mind! love to hear how easy it was for you to pull off!