Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Food Porn

I took these delicious, drool-worthy photos this weekend at one of my favorite Decatur restaurants. Locals, can you guess where? (Hint: yes that is bacon in a glass in that first photo).

Vegetarians, I hope the first photo doesn't offend. Everyone else, enjoy! Yum, yum!



Sharon said...

Hi there-oh to be there, I bet this dishes didn't last long!!

Anonymous said...

Bacon, salad, and fries? It's the perfect meal!

Victory Bird said...

Bacon in a glass? Frites? It HAS to be Leon's!!!! Still haven't hit that bocce ball court yet . . .

. said...

oh wow, I'm drooling!!!

Ace said...

Oh crap, I'm starving now.

pamela said...

Those are some outstanding pictures. Totally impressed.

Diane said...

omg yum yum yum! that bacon is cooked to perfection...mmmmm

yiqin; said...

OMG all these food are not helping me to lose weight!!

ashley said...

I want those friiiiiiiiiies....

greenjeans said...

frites please. man atlanta looks delicious.

Unknown said...

Wouah!!! Miaaaamm!! I would like so much to come back in Atlanta, great city, and I really would like to discover this restaurant!

Wanderlusting said...

How can bacon offend? MMM loves it! And those fries, are they yams?? droooool. Glad I did a 90 minute spin class last night!

Lisa said...

Bacon in a glass sounds like my idea of heaven.

Anonymous said...

Did you put extra salt on your fries? :) Just how I like them! It's an hour away from lunch and now I'm craving fries. The salad looks yummy too.

xo, Becs

Ace said...

It's true, my Wednesday posts have been all blah I want the weekend, let's look at pretty pictures. Bacon always makes the day better though. They have bacon vodka at my boyfriends restaurant, it makes the most glorious bloody mary ever. Yum.

Ellie Lee said...

Hate bacon! (Not because I'm Vegetarian;) But the greens and chips look super yummy! Much like the ones I've had at Friday's for dinner:D

LOVE your fedora from the prev post!

MzUnicaHija19 said...

This just made me really HUNGRY!

Lainey said...

I have no clue where that is, but man is it making me hungry!

. said...
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JuliaFuentes said...

yummm :)

Danielle said...

I love food porn, these are making me SO hungry!!

June Shin said...

Looks like the yummy Leon's! Great pics!

indigotangerine said...

drool... mmmm bacon...

Anonymous social worker said...

WOW, bacon bacon!!!!!! I'm hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nana said...


Ashley said...

Looks like Carpe Diem... they have the beesst fries!

Shen-Shen said...

My GOD how I love food porn. Those fries look SO DELICIOUS!!!

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

haha a restaurant that serves bacon in a glass? I've never seen that before-very original :)

Annie Spandex said...

Yum! Seriously...

And hey yeah when are you guys planning on making it up here? :)

Fashion Cappuccino said...

OH LORD! I'm salivating right now! I love, love bacon and those fries look like heaven! xxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Those bacon look yummy! :D

lauren baluyo said...

LOL ! Food Porn...yeeeaahh ! That crispy bacon is PURE ART to my eyes and mouth !!!


Nana said...

Hi cute twins!
Yeah you like the clothes?
Good! You can leave it whenever I can I put the news in Japanese blog! Ok?!
Thanks for visiting!
Beijos!(kisses in portuguese)

Elizabeth Marie said...

I am drooooling. OMG. YUM.

kadler said...

Omg, I'm drooling on my keyboard.

Alya said...


The fries are calling out to me....