I found my new favorite magazine: L'uomo Vogue. Men's Italian Vogue, but it sounds so much better in Italian (like everything). Say it luu-ohh-mo. Try it. Nice, eh? I'd been eying it (okay, ogling it) for a few months on the newstand, but $15- mama mia (the italian version, not the swedish)!
But this month they got me. Front cover reads, "Richard Prince" (that's him on the cover) in big letters and "A unique journey into the artists' studios." I covertly flip through and Cindy Sherman (Cindy Sherman!!!!) has a spread in the middle. As a fashionista I too love seeing into the lives of models and designers, but I'd shove those over in a second to "visit" an artist's studio or read... hey, wait a freakin' second here... it's all in Italiano!
I'm really not that dense, but I got caught up in the moment. And during that moment, in front of the newstand, the photos satiated my voyeuristic appetite. But now I want to know more! And the entire magazine (not just the cover) teases you with its showy bilingual talents: nearly all the article titles are in English. My one semester of Italian gets me about three words in the first paragraph.
In all honesty though, I would still shell out $15 in a few more months for this magazine. For one, I can convince myself this is how I'll teach myself those other (thousands of) words in Italian. For another, the photographs are always stunning and not overly airbrushed. It makes the entire magazine a lot more powerful visually than all the other fashion magazines rolled into one.
Also, is anyone else getting tired of bandage dresses, spikes, shoulder pads, and leather in the women's fashion magazines? I feel like we've been bludgeoned over the head with those trends. Don't get me wrong, I still have a black purse I'm studding, but it isn't exactly inspirational anymore. L'uomo is a different perspective. It's not even the women's Vogue Italia. But I think there are worse things than taking a few cues from some stylish Italian men folk.
Ooh...now I want to buy it so I can learn Italian! I'll have to check it out, thanks :)
I do agree about the bandage dresses but still loving the studs...for now!
I'm embarrassed to say that I still love the bandage dress look - but then again, I'm definitely the less fashionable twin ;)
I haven't seen anything in any mag in MONTHS that's felt inspirational. Maybe, like you, I need to look to the overseas pubs!
Eek, that's not a slam on your fashion sense at all - I've got the curves of a 12yr old boy so I hope you understand, why I've got an aversion to them :)
The title, L'uomo, is absolutely lyrical, and I'd love to venture into Richard Prince's studio. Can't read Italian, but I'm sure I'd be happy with the photos
Let me know if I can help you with the Italian!
The word "uomo" is a mouthful. I love it!
A magazine that I always flip through in the stores, but never manage to buy! Grr I wish international mags were a little easier on the wallet.
I agree absolutely about the following items:
bandage dresses, spikes, shoulder pads, leather
And add these to the list:
harem pants, neon, skinny jeans
What is a hourglass woman to do with some of these trends? I somehow doubt a men's magazine will have much for my problem of how to dress these hips, but articles about artist's studios? And practicing languages you barely know? Worth it.
Anything Italian is pretty much awesome.
Cindy Sherman? I'm sold. And peeking into people's spaces is a guilty pleasure for sure...hence my love of the selby.
Plus, whenever you're at a coffee shop, put the magazine on the table-people will at least think you're bilingual, no?
very cool...
annnddd.. yes i'm a lil tired of the overly 80s trends.. ready for something fresh!
US vouge has been so lackluster lately. bland celebrities, boring editorial, old trends. Why must the foreign ones be so expensive? This one sounds great, I love love love seeing artist studios.
I always look at men's magazines...they're so pretty to look at not to mention inspirational. My bf is half-Italian so I'm trying to learn the language :-) xxoxoxo
Funny you mention the oversaturation of studs, spikes, etc. because I'm about do do a post with them. Ha!
in "Eat Pray Love" she teaches/improves her Italian through reading the paper. So there's hope! =)
omg i'm so happy to see that someone else loves cindy sherman as much as me! :)
I think the appeal of well-dressed men (in Italian designer wear, no less) is that there is a timeless appeal to it, it's the opposite of trendy. Yes, I'm tired of those trends. I love creeping fashion blogs but seeing the same item on multiple bloggers kills that item for me.
I have a suspicious feeling that the guys in this magazine are a lot more stylish than the Italian guys from my uncle's work who used to come to family parties. They mostly wore oddly translucent short-sleeved button ups and polyester pants up to their armpits. But they were old. And I don't think Vogue features many Teamsters.
I'm right with you on those trends....not my personal cup of tea
Sorry to clog up your comments, Cath and Lar, just wanted to say thanks for your encouraging comments! And for adding me to your blogroll :)
Out of town for a couple of days *yey scheduled posts* so I didn't want to be rude and not say thanks till Monday :)
Have a great weekend!
xx Ela
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