Monday, July 27, 2009

Top Flr Decor

The other night Lar and I decided to check out Top Flr in midtown. It's been open for a couple of years and we've been meaning to go ever since we read about it on Daily Candy Atlanta. It's a hipster's dream come true: Domino Magazine-worthy interior, a perfect blend of comfy and chic, and a simple à la carte, fusiony menu.

We sat upstairs that had this great wallpaper and black laquer floors:
On Lar: F21 tunic dress, necklace from Salon Red in Decatur, Jeffrey Campbell shoes.

On me: June Shin necklace, H&M dress, shoes from Eviva in Decatur.

Here's what the Top Flr looks like:

I spend way too much money eating out each week, but it's hard not to when there are so many great restaurants in Atlanta/Decatur. My boyfriend and I just discovered Ra Sushi on Peachtree and 11th (a sushi chain based in Arizona that serves surprising good sushi for it's overly-polished decor) and Ri-Ra Irish Pub on Crescent and 12th (also a chain, but has the best historically-preserved bar in town).



Anonymous social worker said...

i love those kind of dresses, they are hot.
you make me wanna adventure into the city more, I visited the city of Dacula today, and wow they have fucking big mansions.

indigotangerine said...

my god that wallpaper is fantastic. It reminds me of octopi tenticles. I want to cover my room in it.
Both of you girls look great, I really like cath's rings. can we see a close up?

Sher said...

Oh I love discovering new places to eat, so fun!

You both look fabulous:)

Haute World said...

That's the kind of wallpaper I've always wanted to have in my place but I could never find the perfect version. Love both your outfits... especially the shoes! How was the food there? Sometimes overly hip or cool-looking places are overpriced and the food's not always the best, but it sounds like this was perfect!

E. said...

Ri-Ra! There's one in downtown Charlotte. It's cramped and dark and absolutely amazing. :) You both look great!

Unknown said...

Cath! I have that blue H&M dress too. But you look particularly stunning in it. I wear mine to work quite a lot. I love shiny black lacquer floors.

Sharon said...

Hi there-thats great how you have so many decent eateries where you live, I'd love that!!

modediktat said...

Hi there, this is my first visit on your lovely blog! It's really amazing! I'm coming over from Mel's blog (wreckedstellar) :)
Top Flr looks really sweet from the outside, is it really such a tiny house? I love that!
Will visit again! xoxo, s.

Matt said...

Ha, I just made the Ra and Ri-Ra rounds recently as well! Ri-Ra is such a beautiful bar, I hope it lasts. I also had a great cuban sandwich from Noon last week, a little pricey, but pretty darn good.

Ela said...

Ooh, I love that wallpaper! I'd drape myself over it too! You guys look amazing as always - and both your shoes - yum! I like that you ate on the top floor of the Top Flr, to eat on the 1st floor just wouldn't be right.

Anonymous said...

What a pair of vixens you are! And we eat our faaaar too much, too. Combination of laziness and abundant good restaurants!

K_Streams_Her_C said...

What did you order at TOPFLR? I've been dying to go!

One of my favorite things about Decatur/Atlanta is the restaurant scene, too. Recently tried Sotto Sotto (mmmm mushroom risotto) and I can't get enough Leon's. Other faves: Rathbun's and Tierra.

On my list of places to try next: Restaurant Eugene, Fourth and Swift, Cakes and Ale, Holeman and Finch.

Since I was laid off, I know I'll have to wait a little longer to try some of these out. :)

K_Streams_Her_C said...

Oh, and you ladies look great as always!

Tabitha said...

I love the outfits!!!

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

That building looks so cool. And the walls are amazing.

Danielle said...

I was at RiRa on Friday night!! That place is fabulous!!! :)

Lisa said...

You two look fantastic! I eat out quite a bit too; as you say, it's hard not to when reasonably priced, high-quality restaurant options abound.

A Realistist said...

If you go back to RA sushi, you have to get the albacore nigiri with a side of tetaki sauce. If you go back to Ri-Ra and you want dessert, you have to get the bartender to float a half-pint of Young's Double Chocolate Stout on top of a half-pint of Lindeman's Framboise. Mmmmmmm, delicioso!

Melissa~ said...

I love the wallpaper!
And you both girls look awesome!

Dream Sequins said...

So Top Flr is actually two floors? :)

kittenmasks said...

The best sushi in Atlanta is definitely Kang-nam off Buford Hwy. I love their little side dishes, too.

H @ Narnia's Closet said...

i love wallpaper! both great outfits & adorable pics

Aline said...

that place looks awesome!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Love your shoes! Both of you look gorgeous! xxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

You both look very chic. Looks like a fun spot as well. The wallpaper was a great backdrop!

xo, Becs

kokostiletto said...

love the wallpaper. LOVE !

ambika said...

Thirding the wallpaper love. I initially thought it was in your new apartment and my envy meter was off the charts!

Lauren said...

My favorite restaurant in the whole city! The food should be twice the price. Economical and amazing. Great post!