Tuesday, March 10, 2009

La Dolce Vita

Cath got these beautiful Dolce Vita shoes from Eviva in Decatur last weekend. They hug her feet just perfectly, and she swears they are a delight to walk in. Ladies who aren't intrepid heel-wearers, try these on for size.



Ella Gregory said...

I want these shoes. They are so so pretty.

Anonymous said...


And just gotta pipe up with some jealousy over those bare toes - we're expecting 4 inches of snow here today. Bah.

Anonymous said...

Oh those are cute! Love that you got a pedicure too!!

<3 blackpatentstilettos.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

So... glorious... must... own... haha I can't WAIT to go sandal shopping for the warm season!! These are so cute, especially the laces. LOVE them!

Lesley said...

Hot shoes!

Shelly's Style Shop said...

Cute shoes!

Ellie Lee said...


beccaweber said...

great shoes, love the new(?) header for the site...is it new? i don't think i've ever gotten this one before.

Sharon said...

Hi there-oh soo gorgeous, they really look so stylish and comfy!

Unknown said...

shoes so kute!!!

Lainey said...

Those are amazing. I really want to get a pair. xoxo

Lisa said...

They're gorgeous! Also admiring your pedi colour. :-)

June Shin said...

Love them!

Anonymous said...

oh lordy, I'll take a pair of those, please!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

paanie said...

those are beautiful. love the shape and they look great!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are damn gorgeous shoes. I wish I could wear sandals with bare feet right now. Until then: Thank god for tights and socks =P


Anonymous said...


Ps. IRYC (In response to your comment): Yeah, I totally hope all this craziness ends soon! I don't know how much more foolish complaining I can take from other people (I work in the retirement services and HR industry).

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Wow! They're gorgeous! I wish they have an online store. xxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Allie said...

And thanks for the nail biting support :)

Aline said...

Those are awesome!!

Fashion Tidbits said...

i love how you've folded up the pants!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Holy crap! Those are gorgeous--and walkable??? I might have to try those on...

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are quite striking- you and Lauren have such great taste ;-)

Katie said...

*gasp!* oh, i just fell in love! is it too much to hope that they're suede too?

Mom Fashion World said...

mr. freddy says thank you.

my dear, i love those shoes..i can tell look like they are very comfy.
Cath has good choice.

AsianCajuns said...

Woohoo! Sounds like my shoes are fashion blogger approved!

Katie, they ARE suede!

Shin, check out Dolce Vita's website: www.shopdolcevita.com.

Everyone, let me know if you get a pair. They come in other colors ;)

Anonymous said...

Yummy post! I'm loving the straps and the pedi too..hehe


Unknown said...

I want them soooo bad. And the heel looks really solid and chunky. When Cath gets tired of them, I'm perfectly okay with second-hand shoe cooties ;)

greenjeans said...

I heard rolling pant cuffs up is the new bee's knees.

Lisa said...

Completely off-topic but I've given you an award! Check out today's post and keep up the fantastic blogging, you two. :-)

Taryn said...

my gawd those are lovely.

Anonymous said...

are they really comfortable? I guess that's why I would never order heels online b/c you can never tell how comfy they will feel until you try them on.

Supercute shoes!


Anonymous said...

cool shoes!

saray said...

love these!