If you're an Atlanta Magazine reader and this is your first time visiting Asian Cajuns, welcome! And if you're a loyal reader of our blog, thanks for all of your support!
Also, congrats to fellow Decatur bloggers of Decatur Metro and In Decatur for getting best neighborhood news and to the gang at Heliotrope for being the best one-stop gift shop!
yay!! so fun :)
congrats! you deserved it! ;)
Aww congratulations. You guys are great <3
Thanks ladies!
so freaking cool!!
Congratulations, ladies! I can't say I'm surprised...your blog is always such a pleasure!=)
Oh my gosh ladies that is amazing! Congratulations! :)
holy shit guys!
you guys deserve it!!
I'm envious.
congratsss!!! it was bound to happen soon!
Oh wow! Congratulations! You guys totally deserve it, your blog is such a great read.
That's so awesome! Congrats.
cool... congrat.
Congratulations! A very well-deserved honour, I say.
awwww congrats!!! what an amazing honour and you guys are totally deserving!!
btw i have skirt contest/giveaway up!
It's true - you gals have generally addicting personalities! WOwee! What a compliment to be compared to a drug ;) Congratulations, ladies. You truly deserve it!
congrats! i love your blog
Hi there-fantastic news girls and soo well deserved!!
Wow! Congratulations!
I just thought I'd let you know that I'm a fellow Lee girl also!
YAY!!! Well deserved ladies - congrats!
A toast to you ladies and to all Decatur blogs and merchants!
Dave Kell
Holy crap, that's so friggin awesome! Congrats girls!
How awesome! You guys are brilliant. Love the new site banner, btw.
Very cool! Congrats. My sister lives in Atlanta...I want her to bump into you one day.
That's the coolest thing since chocolate buttercream frosting! I'm so proud of you two! Yayy!!!!! Now have a pretty cupcake and read what they said about you a hundred times!! :-)
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Completely deserved, but superexciting no less. Big time congrats, ladies!!!
hooray! how exciting!! congratulations, ladies. :)
Wow, congrats!
Yay y'all!
Awww, I love it when my favorite blogs get recognition! :) Yay AsianCajuns!!!
Also, I've just posted my mini-review of 'Benjamin Button'. It was sooooo good, you HAVE to see it!
You are great! :)
Woah, congratulations!! :)
Woo hoo! Big ups Eurasian brethren!
Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone! All your comments totally made my day.
The Clothes Horse, tell your sister to come over and say hi, if she ever sees us around town!
Terri, what a compliment - buttercream icing is delicious!
Esther, I can't wait to read your review!
Congrats to the two of you on a job well done.
Keep it up and stay on the catwalk.
Next Stop...Decatur
Bon felicitations! You guys are on the way to celeb life!
well deserved :)
Congratulations, ladies! You deserve it :)
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