Sunday, April 12, 2009

AsianCajun Seal of Approval

We've been huge fans of Heliotrope ever since it opened in Decatur a couple of years ago. For those of you who've never been, imagine your favorite gift shop and then multiply that by ten or better yet, check out Heliotrope's online store. Pretty fantastic, right?

So when the good folks over at Heliotrope offered to set up an AsianCajun discount page (for a limited time only!), we said, "Hell yes!" Actually, it was more of an inarticulate jumble of "what?!?! omg. yes please! Thank you!" And here's what they came up with:


We picked out our favorite items and now they are available for you all at a discount! (It's very recessionista friendly.)

Click on each of our favorite items and you can see what we love about them:

The AsianCajun shopping agents page will be up for the next couple of weeks, so make sure you check it out and take advantage of the discounts. Heliotrope ships worldwide so all of our lovely readers can part-take. Woohoo!

A big thank you to Julia, Tommy and Marc for making this happen!



Anonymous said...

That's so cool! Kate and I went in there and fell in love with everything - congrats to the cool "business deal"! ;-)

Allie said...

How neat! You girls kick ass. This shop reminds me of one of my favorite gift shops here. I'll def check it out :)

Fashion Cappuccino said...

They have really cute stuff! I have my eye on the fashion book by Dior. Thank you so much for the discount!! xxoxoxo

greenjeans said...

So cool! I think I may have to get that Pantone mug in black. Although I would like to see how Krasner blew Pollack's socks off.

ps. I think I am going to grab that first edition...

Mom Fashion World said...

wowee! so cool!
i just checked its online store and it's very nice!
i'm still checking what i can get for mr. freddy.

p.s. thanks for the comment!

Lesley said...

That's awesome! Hmm I want the Sumo tea cup and the coin purse! :-)

indigotangerine said...

so cool. I'm eyeing the artists in their studios book...
ps. i'm adding you to our blogroll

Sharon said...

Hi there-thats fabulous ladies, thanks for sharing!!

Ace said...

Oh I love that wing light, how cool!

Unknown said...

oh how cool.. and super kute items!

Lisa said...

Cool promotion!

Tawny said...

thanks for the the blog!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE Heliotrope!! I think my sister buys all my gifts there. Does this discount work in person or is it an online thing only?

Emma said...

Thanks so much for the discount ! I placed an order this afternoon !

Julia said...

The discount works in the store as well. Just mention the AsianCajun Blog at checkout. :)