Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Comes Early to the AsianCajuns

First off, thank you, thank you, thank you to the lovely Issa at We Wear Things. My first present of the season is... drum roll please...

(I love Issa's panda drawings on the envelop- too cute! Great things come in panda-covered packages.)

...This gorgeous bubble skirt made by the oh-so-chic Issa. Want one? You can get one here at her lovely etsy shop.

(This photo reminds me of that line in The Philadelphia Story when Dinah [sister to Katherine Hepburn's Tracie] says "It isn't the skirt that goes up in the back, mother. It's me that does." Skirt: Issa, dress [used as shirt and bum cover]: AA, boots: tarjay, earrings: June Shin)

And as a sweet little extra prezi, Issa included this handmade cutey (I'm jealous of his lashes). He's already found a comfortable home on our aluminum tree:

We hope the rest of you are being equally showered with lovely gifts! We apologize if we've been a little slow on the commenting and blogging. We promise once the hectic gift buying/giving, holiday partying and cookie-consuming ebbs, we'll visit all of our wonderful bloggers.



First Lady of MADE said...

you look fab in that skirt!

Lisa said...

The skirt looks great on you! I love the slight smokiness in that shade of blue.

Allie said...

Yay! Proof that one can accomplish things with poetry ;)

Danika said...

I can has adorable outfit? That skirt looks amazing on you, and that outfit is so perfect, I want one of my own.

this wheel's on fire said...

yay!! looks so great on you :)

Unknown said...

The Philadelphia Story quote is wonderful! It equally applies to me! Looking lovely as always and am in love with your Christmas tree.

Unknown said...

Oh SO cute!! That skirt is perfect on you!

Tabitha said...

Love the early Christmas present - it looks so great!!!

Anonymous said...

That skirt is too cute! And I'm so proud you made a classic movie quote, which makes you guys cute as your Christmas presents! :-)

Anonymous said...

Christmas should last all month, I believe. How fun to get such a gorgeous gift a little early!

Unknown said...

YAY!!! The skirt looks AMAZING on you! i'm glad you like it and that it fits!! and it's true good things DO come in panda covered packages!
lovez ya'll!!

WendyB said...

Nice!! (But my word verification is "turdise," which definitely sounds like the opposite of paradise.)

Dru!!! said...

sorry, finally getting around to commenting back- thanks, I was worried the blazer from FXXI would be too casual, but I think it worked out. Also, issa's hand sewn stuff is the best!

E. said...

CUTE! I love the way it looks on you! :)

Anonymous said...

This skirt is adorable. It's simple and really flattering and I'm in love with the colour. As for the teddy - I want one myself!


Anonymous said...

that's sweet!!!
lucky girsl!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I got that skirt too.

Ok. I don't.

Angela said...

ah how cute.

Cammila said...

OH MAN! I was already feeling tinges of jealousy over that cute little skirt but then BAM! The aluminum tree! You're kicking ass left and right.

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

This skirt is FABULOUS!!! When high-waisted skirts came around again I didn't think I would get into them, but I am coming around and am even in the process of making myself one! Looks great :)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Looking so lovely...always see it on Issa and now on you! Love the vol & propotion!

Devin Dwyer said...

The skirt is so cute. Love the color. And your tree looks great - very stylish! I'm missing a tree this year. I get tempted every time I walk by the tree stands along Broadway :)

Unknown said...

Ahhh your apartment looks so cute decked out! Oh and congratulations on your Atlanta Magazine award, you guys deserve it. Lol I'm finally caught up on your blog.

Ace said...

Oh you look lovely!! I've just finally gotten around to doing some Chrismakka decorating(Jewish boyfriend, he laughs cause I know nothing about Jewish holidays) I love this time of year. Hope you guys have great holidays!

Anonymous said...

Too adorable in that skirt! & how Christmasy does your place look?! Love it.

Ro said...

You look so cute in Issa's skirt! Doesn't she make the best skirts?? The color looks fantastic on you.

kittenmasks said...

Cuteeee skirt!!

Am I hallucinating or do I remember one of you guys saying that you loved going to Paris? I'm going to be there soon and was wondering if you had any tips...

And in 2009, I definitely would like to meet you guys sometime!

TheSundayBest said...

I tried to make a bubble skirt and it thoroughly defeated me. So this is what it should have looked like.

Sharon said...

Hi there-the skirt is oh so fabulous!! thanks for your well wishes too!

Eli said...

so ready for christmas!! so cute!

June Shin said...

The skirt is so cute!

geri hirsch said...

aahmmmmmazing!!! love the skirt!!!

Alya said...

this skirt is too cute!

Fashion Tidbits said...

that skirt is so cute!

faithsalutes said...

liking the bubble skirt outfit. smooch.