Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry (Almost) Christmas!

Dearest AsianCajun Readers,

We apologize for the slight blogging hiatus. We're just trying to catch up on gift giving/getting, Christmas-y events, seeing friends and family...
We love all the lovely, wonderful comments- thank you, thank you!
After this weekend, the holiday season will slow down just in time for Christmas, and we'll be back to blogging in good fashion.
Hope you have a marvelous weekend!!!

The AsianCajuns

The AsianCajun husbands in 1962? (Cath, red socks or tattoo?) Perhaps no, but it sure is fun to come up with captions to these awesome retro Christmas photos from A Journey Through Junkland.



AsianCajuns said...

Lar, I would have to go with the red socks. I love a man in contrasting colored socks!

AsianCajuns said...

Good! I'll take the tattooed father- though a man without a moustache? pshaw!

Unknown said...

haha you gals are hilarious!

hope you two have a fantastic weekend!!

Lisa said...

Happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

You two handsome fellas are positively DWARFING that flocked Christmas tree. How tall are you boys, anyway? ;)

this wheel's on fire said...

Oh my god I love that photo!!

Hope you girls have a fantastic weekend!!

Jill said...

Haha, that is so great! So excited for Christmas!

SOS! said...

Merry christmas girlies!
xx-LJ from SOS!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Maybe they have sons...or younger brothers. :)
Good luck with all the final holiday preparations.

j.wi said...

happy holidays, ladies!

Charmaine Li said...

hahaha that photo is too funny! happy holidays girls :) come back soon!

Juice said...

Happy Holidays, girls!
Haaaaave fun! :)

Sharon said...

Hi there-Have a fun weekend girls!!

Couture Carrie said...

Merry Christmas, darlings! That white vintage Christmas tree is a hoot.
My caption: See, we ARE taller than our tree!


Ace said...

Oh I love the faux white tree! How kitchy. Thank you for your comment, the shelf is actually an old dorm hold over from Target. I've been searching the internet trying to figure out the little cup, sadly still no luck. said...

Oh, beautiful! It all looks so lovely.