Monday, December 1, 2008

Family Time

Lar and I flew up to D.C./Maryland for Thanksgiving and have been unable to check up on the blog as frequently as we usually do in Atlanta because 1) we've been spending some quality time with the family and 2) our parents' computer is slow and cranky (it was a struggle just to upload the images below).

So we'll be responding to everyone's comments later on this week, but until then, here are some things that we've been up to for the past few days:

Lar and my dad heading towards the Pentagon to check out the Sept. 11 Memorial. The memorial itself is very impressive, but the website is oddly very unofficial looking: Pentagon Memorial.

The National Building Museum is probably one of my all time favorite buildings in D.C. and the exhibits are always fantastic. It's also located a couple of blocks from Chinatown, D.C. where my dad was born and raised so it has a special place in my heart.

Lar trying on some sunglasses at Cafe Hon in Baltimore (or "Bawlmore" for you natives).

Our parents took us to The Walters Art Museum (also in Baltimore). It has a very impressive collection for being located in a non-international city and puts Atlanta's art museums to shame. Part of the museum is an 1850s mansion known as the Hackerman House. The rooms are so elegant it almost made me wish women could still wear giant hoop skirts - minus the tight corsets and the subjugation of women.

Lar is peering up at the stained glass sunlight at the top of the stairs of the Hackerman House.

So there you have it. Proof that we haven't been sitting on our bums all day eating Thanksgiving leftovers and being too lazy to even scroll around our favorite fashion blogs. I promise we'll be back in real AsianCajun fashion once we get back in town!



June Shin said...

Sounds like a great weekend with the family!

Elizabeth said...

Those are great photos. I'm glad you had the patience to load them.

Have fun with your family!

Anonymous social worker said...

ah, I always wanted to visit there.
lucky and enjoy.

Angela said...

sounds like you guys had loads of fun.

Lisa said...

Enjoy your time with your family! You look great in your photos.

Fashion Tidbits said...

thanks for sharing pics

Sharon said...

Hi there-fabulous family pictures, so pleased you had some lovely quality time together too!

E. said...

Awww, you both look so much like your dad! :) How cute! Great pictures, too.

saray said...

sounds like you girls had fun..
i'll do anything to be in MD now with my fam..

Stephanie said...

Keep having fun, ladies!
PS- You two have the best collection of boots ever! :)

WendyB said...

You've definitely been busy. You are hereby excused for slacking in the blog department.

Anonymous said...

I like the red sun glasses.

Anonymous said...

Dang. You goils were BUSY. And impressively cultural. All I could get my family to do was shop and eat ...

this wheel's on fire said...

such gorgeous photos!!

Anonymous said...

pretty girls had fun!!!!

Ashelee said...

Agh! So as I was reading the "bawlmore" comment I couldn't help but to bust out and laugh bc its so interestin to hear how some natives talk in the dmv area...I.e. Murrland and the overemphasized ewww sound...

Songy said...

Good to know that you were doing lots of fun things. Your dad is handsome!

LizBlair said...

I really enjoyed your pictures. I particularly enjoyed seeing the picture of your dad, who I agree, is handsome and young-looking.

Unknown said...

you both are so much fun!!! love these photos and ya'lls outfits!

beccaweber said...

oh my god! cafe hon is one of the--if not THE--best breakfast i've ever had.

<3 you two, and miss you as well!

kittenmasks said...

Congrats on your Atlanta magazine mention! I saw it today. They're housed in the same building as my work. :)

Anonymous said...

ah... you have to go to the bma next time and eat at Gertrude's. (sunday's, first friday's or 10$ tuesday's). baltimore has pretty classy art for such a ...(sad-crime ridden) city.

Unknown said...

aw, that first photo is so sweet!