Saturday, January 31, 2009

Earrings for Guitar-playing Art Historians

The art history student in me has to geek-out for just a minute:

It looks like El Greco painted the hands on these awesome guitar pic earrings!

I've always had a soft spot for the Greek painter, beloved and adopoted by the Spanish of the Baroque period, whose elongated style of portraying anatomy was, and still is, completely unique and eerily moving.

Obviously these earring hands aren't swiped from a painting by the master himself- the fingers look too rigid and the palette is all wrong (blah, blah, more pretentious art history ramblings...), but they are close enough for me!

What do you guys think? Creepy, or a fond reminder of these intense dudes below?

P.S. I got these earrings from Duck's Cosmic Kitchen in Decatur. They sell delicious doughnuts and delightful art earrings- my heaven in a nutshell.


olga d said...

decatur has to be the cutest little town. i loved the shops there.

and yea, el greco is pretty creepy and awesome. but mostly creepy. or awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hey AC's,

I live in Georgia and looking to move to the great Decatur- do you know any affordable places in the downtown area?

Love the blog-keep up the GREAT work!

Devin Dwyer said...

you got the earrings at DUCK's?! who knew they sold such things. not sure how i feel about el greco on them... hmm... they look like they're praying....could be clapping, i guess! i miss duck's cookies and doughnuts :)

Angela said...

they look very intense. have a happy weekend.

Lisa said...

They look great on you, and I'm really impressed with your eye for detail and how you spotted the art reference. :)

Daniela Valdez said...

Wow, those earings are really cool!

Your blog is really nice :)

Juice said...

Awesome earrings! :)

Unknown said...

I don't know about you, but I love a really nice pair of hands. Haha. These earrings are especially handy because if there's a guitar around and you wanna play, then voila!

greenjeans said...

from one nearsighted individual to another, those earring are great. now all you need is a goya ring or something!

TMFA said...

it is really cool to read something about art history. el greco is just great. loving the earrings and especially your connotations to it.

Jill said...

My friend has similar earrings, but I think the hands are a nice extra detail! (Although I know absolutely nothing about art, I really like the way that the hands are done. Especially the first picture!)

Anonymous social worker said...

I don't know about these, they are abit to creppy for my taste, i too have an art historian in me.
hoaw are you guys?! it's been long

Anonymous social worker said...

I don't know about these, they are abit to creppy for my taste, i too have an art historian in me.
hoaw are you guys?! it's been long

saray said...

:O awesome earings..

Míriam Juan-Torres said...

Intense earrings! Wow!

paanie said...

doughnuts and earrings? sounds like my kind of place.

yiqin; said...

I have a guitar pick necklace! They look so good as earrings too <3

gEe said...

interesting earrings.

btw, great blog! i absolutely read it on the daily.


TINA said...

The earrings are fabulous! I've never seen anything like them before.
And I do like the artist very much as well.


Sharon said...

Hi there-very cute indeed, I like them!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. And if you ever meet a cute guitar player who's broken his last pick, you'll be a LIFE SAVER.

Anonymous said...

whoa, that earring's so unique!

LizBlair said...

I like the guitar pick earrings but not the hands. It looks too much like some kind of serious religious statement!

Danz said...

Very cool earrings! I love them!

this wheel's on fire said...

Love those earrings!!

Eli said...

itd only be creepy if the other earring had a face on it! otherwise, it looks awesome

Unknown said...

omg.. guitar pick earrings... awesome.

j.wi said...

yes, earrings, but what i really love is that ring! where did you get it from? ;)