Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I used to be a lot craft-ier when I was younger. Now some t-shirt markers and a V-neck Hanes are all that I can manage when it comes to D.I.Y.

After seeing a number of real fringe v-necks, I decided to give it a go, 2-D style. I also decided that a few more peacock feathers in my closet couldn't hurt.

The belt I'm wearing with the tee (see below) is this stretchy metal thing I got at Scott's. It's my new favorite accessory... it figures that the thing that cost me five bucks and came in a sandwich bag is my favorite (while the $60 leather clutch from Asos languishes in the closet).


Edit at 9:45 pm (on a completely unrelated note):
Congrats to us (women and minorities)!!!
By this time tomorrow, a bill (the first Obama will sign as president) will give
equal pay for equal work. Yeah, I completely agree, this action is incredibly (and embarrassingly) overdue. It took us until 2009 (and a President who is a minority) for women and minorities to make the same amount, doing the same damn thing, as the good old boys in the United States of America. It's about time.


AsianCajuns said...

Thanks for making a peacock fringe tee for me too. You're my favorite twin sister! PS: If you need someone to take that leather purse off your hands, I'd be happy to ;).

ryder said...

tres amazing!
i want one!!!!

June Shin said...

How fun! We should do some kind of craft night!

Fashion Tidbits said...

def nifty! it looks very time consuming though

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

you're incredibly creative...looks great! had i attempted the same feat, it would have resembled a big spill down the front of my shirt.

saray said...

wow thats awesome..

don't eat my rice said...

Ohhh, nice idea! I've seen the fringe necklaces and wondered about them too. And a lovely way to wear the shirt.

I too have gotten less and less crafty through the years. Lately I've been painting Munny dolls. I sawed one in half last weekend, now I just have to figure out why...

yiqin; said...

Wow, the peacock is si dyn!!!! :)

Danika said...

I think it looks great! And it's far more practical than real fringe, which would get EVERYWHERE, especially when it's windy.

The most creativity I can sum up is to dye a wayward shirt or two, sigh...

amber said...

wow what a neat idea! it looks great!

Shelly's Style Shop said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Your very sweet!

BTW, I love you DIY project idea. Your outfit is AMAZING!!!

xoxo, Shelly

Allie said...

Thank the Lordy Lord for that passing! I was so excited when I read it in the paper.

Anonymous said...

Whoa... Way creative!

Anonymous said...

This is seriously awesome.

Make sure NEVER EVER to buy Fruit of the Loom packs of shirts. The quality is way less than Hanes. It's like buying 100 thread count or jersey sheets versus 600 Thread count Egyptian cotton sheets.

I love it!

And yes, 'tis about fracking timew this bill was enacted into Law.

Lisa said...

Great job! The shirt looks fantastic.

P.S. Really interesting article you linked to. I wonder how individual firms will interpret "equal work" though--equivalent productivity, same job title, same responsibilities?

Sharon said...

Hi there-a totally fabulous job well done on the top, its gorgeous! said...

WOW! I die for it!

xoxo: Janet

Unknown said...

Oooo this is a tempting DIY project. Except I have no drawing skills to speak off. You did well! It looks super!

I don't go to HK and Philippines till April. Will be saving my pennies till then!

Noormol said...

how cute! you are quite an artist!
I think I might have to try that sometime :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, to have such skills! I LOVE IT! Lauren, seriously, I'd lay down much cash for my own version of that tee.

And dang, I should really watch the news. GOBAMA!

Anonymous said...

I love the peacock feathers! They might still have a pair of peacock earrings I got a Claire's years ago for under $10!

Tabitha said...

This looks SOOO great. Love what you did with the tee.

Diane said...

amazing job with those peacock feathers! :)


I want your t-shirt. =]

haha thanks about the comment on my pose lol! <3


Ace said...

aww you guys how fun. Im so jealous of you two having a built in bestfriend/roommie. My sister lives all the way over the big pond and I rarely get to hear from her.

LizBlair said...

The t-shirtr looks really great. I didn't hear about the equal pay for equal work decision. I agree that this islong overdue!

May Kasahara said...

excellent shirt!!!

Cammila said...

Dang woman, that's awesome work! I tried to do something similar once with a fabric pen and my results were nowhere near this level of gorgeous! Not that I'm surprised at the usual creative genius. ;)

Devin Dwyer said...

you are such a talented artist. love the design.

Unknown said...

omg FUN! love your creation!

Ali said...

wow, this looks great! many people end up going overboard when diy-ing tshirts, but this looks classy

JuliaFuentes said...

woww love it

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

oh fun! And yay women and minorities!!!

greenjeans said...

whoa check it out, you guys could be in topshop:

Unknown said...

omg that tee is fabulous!! you did a fantastic job with the peacock feathers!

Anonymous said...

Love this! How clever!

E. said...

Neat! I'm in super-crafty mode right now, as I JUST got a new sewing machine, so I'm going to give this a try... once I have money to buy markers.

Vera said...

Wow great job! It's looks absolutely fantastic! And yey about the bill, you're right, it was about time!

etoilee8 said...

Love that tshirt, love our pres.

DiamondHurts said...

very nice drawing :) love it love it.... :)

TheSundayBest said...


(And not to rain on your parade, but laws need to be enforced to be of any use - I wonder what the enforcement provisions are.)

LF said...

great idea! love love.

Montreal Fashion Minds said...

Super cool DIY! Great job! :)

~ Montreal Fashion Minds ~

Reach The Sky. said...

Well done xxx

Slanelle said...

woaw it looks really good ! well done

Anonymous said...

nice tee; thanks for the inspiration & great blog :]

- Nicole