Monday, January 26, 2009

The Photographer: Wes Sumner

Ladies and Gentlemen, we present to you Wes Sumner, amazing photographer and all-around nice guy.

Cath and I were lucky enough to meet up with Wes and his awesome assistant Andy (like that alliteration?) this Sunday afternoon. Wes contacted us about doing a few shots to add some fashion photography to his already incredible portfolio (view here). Don't get us wrong, folks. We do not think of ourselves as models... maybe "real people" models, but even then we are pretty uncomfortable with a camera in our face (this blog has been a growing experience). Yet Wes and Andy made it all so easy and enjoyable I would gladly spend every Sunday afternoon with them, gazing at their photography accoutrements and talking their ears off (Sorry, guys. I usually avoid caffeine for that reason).

Here are a few "behind-the-scene" shots, photographed by yours truly.

The guys hard at work.

Wes, me, Andy and Cath at our photomerged kitchen table.

And here are some results:

Thanks Wes and Andy! We think you guys are the bees' knees.



May Kasahara said...

gorgeous shots.

laura said...

i love the shots, you look adorable and isn't the quality just perfect?! you must be very pleased!

Anonymous said...

you look like rockstars!!
that photo of you in the closet is terrific!
You remined me to the Rachek Zoe's.

Lucky girls! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout-out! I love the closet shot and it was fun hanging with you guys.

Shelly's Style Shop said...

Gorgeous shots! Love it! Great way to spend a Sunday! ;-)

xoxo, Shelly

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I love the results. Especially the picture of both of you in the closet--it's perfect!

Lisa said...

Gorgeous shots! This looks like such a fun experience. And since I know you have a weakness for the label, I have to ask--is the purple tee by Esperanza? ;)

Unknown said...

Ooo girls! You are the most fab models. Was it photographed at your house?!

Sharon said...

Hi there-gorgeous photos, very professional and stylish!

paanie said...

how incredibly cool! my fav pic is with you two w/sunnies in the closet.

Jane said...

The photos are amazing. I like the closet one!

check out


Anonymous said...

How incredibly, INCREDIBLY fun! And I'm unsurprised to see that you both look 100% gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous as always! :-)

Mr. Wes and Mr. Andy are extremely talented and they should work for a fancy magazine (if they aren't already). I wish I had connections b/c I'd totally make them take cool pictures.

Tabitha said...

Those are such cool pics! I love them.

Danielle said...

ive just discovered your blog and love it! i live in the atl area as well. will keep coming back! :)

Devin Dwyer said...

omg these are awesome. i love the one of you two in the closet... "real people models" huh? ;-)

molly said...

what fantastic pictures! you guys are gorgeous

Couture Carrie said...

They are def. the bees knees! The photo of the 2 of you is priceless! Gorgeous gals!


Ashley said...

Lovely, lovely photos! Also, your closet is so organized!


These photos are so incredibly sharp. I like them a whole lot. =]

I agree, Thursday is definitely pre-weekend mode. I like it more for the fact that there is still time for the weekend to "last" by Friday it already seems over... =[


Angela said...

you gals simply look fabulous!

don't eat my rice said...

How awesome! Lucky, lucky girls. And thanks for the sweet comment! Lovely pics, his whole portfolio. I love that your pics are the first ones in his line up. PLEASE tell me more about your kitchen table.

this wheel's on fire said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous!! xo

kaitlyn said...

these photos are really great. not overworked, just perfect.

JuliaFuentes said...

how fun :]

Always Lotus said...

pictures look lovely! I love the picture of the closet. I would love to go in there and guys always wear the cutest thing!
ooh, on the shoes, I don't think I'll be buying that.. :( I forgot that I just bought a Kenneth Cole heels that look very similar to the Giuseppe Zanotti heels...

Unknown said...

awwww... you two are the kutest!! love these photos!

Humpty Dumpty said...

You girls looks amazing! lovely photos :)

kittenmasks said...

These came out spectacular! Looks like all the frettin' was for nothin'... ;)

yiqin; said...

You girls look TERRIFIC! I lvoe the pattern on the wall too

Anonymous said...

Just discovering your blog from France. So great!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous shots!!

La C.

Míriam Juan-Torres said...

Looks like it's been fun, and u looked great :D

Syana said...

you lucky girls! next thing you know you're gonna be on tv :D

you two look gorgeous, let's hope more photographers will ask to take pictures in the future xxx

Unknown said...

That's a super cute picture of yall in your closet, and it looks like an amazing closet. And since you're local and judging by your music taste on your profile, I thought I would direct you (or anyone else who's local and reading this!) to my review of Adron, a musician who grew up in Decatur and who is performing a free show at the Star Bar thursday night!

June Shin said...

How cool! The shots look fab!

Anonymous said...

BRILLIANT!! You both look lovely and yet so distinctly different from each other.

Vera said...

The pictures turned out gorgeous, great photography on their part!

Anonymous said...

Cool shots, and I love that EL BAR shirt!!

CHIC Sensibility... said...

Great pics. I love the wall decals behind the bed.
Stay chic!