Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pajamas Are the New. . . Black?

Or at least they've been getting some more face time in the fashion world lately.

The pajama trend started with artist/director/interior designer/pajama-wearing extraordinaire Julian Schnabel. He enjoys wearing silk pjs out in public so much that it's become his "look." His current wife, Olatz Lopez Garmendia, makes them and (lucky for us!) we can purchase and wear them to red carpet events just like Schnabel.

Dolce and Gabbana solidified this trend with their 2009 Spring RTW line:

Althought Schnabel and Dolce & Gabbana's pajama outfits are an improvement over Hugh Heffner's iconic pjs and smoking jacket look, it's comforting to know that the trend of wearing a complete pajama set in public won't spread beyond the wardrobes of over egotistical men with too much money. (If you think Heffner's playboy mansion is over-the-top, check out Schnabel's Manhattan palazzo).

Images courtsey of



Lisa said...

I think I prefer the Dolce and Gabbana version more, as it can be broken up into a lightweight belted car jacket and silky-looking pants. :)

NiteSchool said...

Agreed, maybe a short silky robe could work over an outfit rather than a full blown silk outfit. ha.

paanie said...

not a fan of pajamas outside of the bedroom. especially if you looked like you rolled out of bed and couldn't bother to put some pants on. Dolce & Gabbana's line was amusing, but i'd never wear. sorry, it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine.

Danika said...

Perhaps Schnabel is trying to appear "eccentric", when really he just looks crazy...

I wouldn't mind a pair of those D&G polka-dotted pajamas though :)

May Kasahara said...

those must FEEEL awesome to wear.

AsianCajuns said...

Lisa and GoldDustGirl, I think you're right. If you mix the Dolce and Gabbana pjs with some everyday wear, you might be able to pull it off.

Xs, no need to apologize. I feel the same way. Pajamas should stay in the bedroom - and that goes for rich artists types too!

Muriel, I think you're completely right about Schnabel - it's more just plain crazy than eccentric!

May, I bet they do b/c pjs are for comfort, not for the red carpet ;)!

Unknown said...

Actually I once wore my pajama pants underneath my track pants to see the N'Sync movie when it first came out. I dunno why. And then I horrified my friend by taking off the track pants during the movie because it was just too uncomfortable. NOW I can just wear the PJs and forget the trackies. FAB! Yeah umm...N'Sync movie...

WendyB said...

I think I'll pass on the PJ look. I don't even wear them at home so definitely not out!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Ugh! Come on people, let's actually get dressed in the morning! I do suppose they are better than matching velour track suits...

Sharon said...

Hi there-It sure looks better on the models than him, I'm sorry to say!

Ella Gregory said...

I wear pjs all the time at home but as someone who has to force herself to go outside in tracksuit bottoms I don't think I could ever pull off the Dolce look.

yiqin; said...

I think the d&g version is so perfect! Very gorgeous

Danz said...

Eh...I'm not a fan of public pajama wearing. Not even Natasha Poly can make it look good.

J.M. Powell said...

i think the dolce line is very pretty but i don't think that i would actually head out in public decked in jammies, y'know :)

Kristy Michelle said...

Best fashion trend since the Juicy leisure suit. Not as great as tights and leggins but still rigt up there.

Anonymous said...

the d&g looks are gorgeous!

La C.

Devin Dwyer said...

wow, that guy's showin a lot of chest hair. he needs to get that under control! in terms of wearing pjs outside - i dont think they would fly up here in nyc... especially on days like this when its 15 degrees. :)

TINA said...

Haha, I'm not a big fan of the pajama look - it simply looks too sloppy for me.
I do, however, like the two D&G runway outfits here. I just don't think I would wear them outside the house. :]


Angela said...

hmm.. with this trend, i will be able to roll out of bed and get into the car, ready to go any time. : )

Anonymous said...

Julian looks like Geoffrey Rush- I want cool PJ like that!

Ashley said...

I'm not a famous designer, but I have to say that pjs belong in the bedroom! It is quite amusing, though. Still, I can't shake the Heffster image from silk pjs in public!

TMFA said...

Haha, the guy looks odd, but ze women look verrry good in ze sleeper wear. (I don't know why I had to write that with a French accent).

Unknown said...

The new issue of vogue has some models in silk pajamas!! Psychic.