Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our Inauguration Adventure

Watching President Obama's inauguration on the Mall in D.C. made waking up at 3:30 in the morning to catch the metro, standing out in the freezing cold for over seven hours, getting crushed in a crowd trying to exit the mall, walking for miles and developing plantar fasciitis in both feet completely worth it.


Even though we didn't have tickets and it seemed impossible at first to get on the Mall, we found our way in right around 12th St. We had a nice view of the Capitol in the distance and a JumboTron nearby. That's Obama in the first image below and Yo-Yo Ma in the second.

It was so exhilarating to be in a crowd of 1.5 million all celebrating and cheering for the same thing. I wish I could write more about the feeling of the crowd, but anything I'd write would sound ridiculously cheesy. So just believe me when I say that it was an amazing experience.

That being said, I don't think I've ever been so cold for so long as I was waiting for the swearing in. Three things made all the difference:
1.) Being with a great group of friends (Chris, Daren, Esther, Lauren and Matt).
2.) Having a delicious packed lunch that my mom made for everyone.
3.) Knowing that in a few hours Bush would no longer be President.

Thanks to all our readers for the well wishes, thank you Esther for the great photos and thanks to Daren for supplying the whiskey - it was a life saver!

- CL


Trains and Sewing Machines said...

Wow, it just seems like such an exciting experience!
Oh I like your hats btw :)

AsianCajuns said...

Thanks! Lar got her's at Anne Taylor years ago and I got my faux fur hat at H&M. I wear it almost every day!

Allie said...

Omg, how amazing exciting! That is just unreal. That whiskey definitely must've kept you guys a little warmer.

Unknown said...

I thought of you often during that happy day. Looked for you in the crowd shots on TV but to no avail. Way to go, Daren and Jackie, for the "supplies!"

Anonymous said...

How fantastic to be there in the flesh for this historic event.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you ladies had fun! Welcome back! :-)

Shelly's Style Shop said...

I wish I could have been there, too! I am so glad that you were able to experience such an amazing event!!

Great pictures. Go Obama!

xoxo, Shelly

Katie said...

i was lucky enough to be in grant park for the victory party on election night and it was AMAZING! you're right: it's so hard to write about the crowds without sounding cheesey. it was such an overwhelming, moving experience to be in a sea of love and strength and optimism. i'll never forget it!

Sharon said...

Hi there-what an awesome adventure, well done to you both!!

ryder said...

you two are so lucky to have had this experience! and you are both looking impossibly cute in this ridiculous cold weather on top of it all!

saray said...

I saw it on TV and it looked crazy! but it sounds like such an awesome adventure

May Kasahara said...

dear lord I love you two.

thanks so much for sharing that experience!!! * * *

Unknown said...

awwww i'm glad you guys had a fantastic time and didn't freeze!! i kept hearing about how cold it was!!

this wheel's on fire said...

Gah!! Lovelovelove that you guys could be there! I just am amazed that there were NO arrests...Such a large, peaceful group. What a day!! Can't believe we made it to this day actually....

Anonymous said...

I salute you for braving the cold....

Stephanie said...

I've been waiting for your experience to be posted. It must have been so exciting to be there in person!

paanie said...

thanks for sharing your experience!

this wheel's on fire said...

Ha loved your comment! At first I thought you meant Sean Penn & I was confused. But I agree--Sean & John look very much alike! xo

peaitlreiecnia said...

wow i can believe you braved the cold. i'm australian, but it looked amazing

i've only just discovered this blog but i must say, you two (?) already have me hooked

i'm off to link you

yiqin; said...

Ah I am so jealous of your experience!

Ace said...

Oh I'm so jealous. I didn't do anything special, I just sat on my couch and cried into my coffee. It was an amazing day.

Always Lotus said...

Whiskey on a cold day sounds too good to be true! I'm so jealous of you guys, you guys were able to be there to see the whole thing whereas I was in the school's bookstore watching it on a crappy 100 yrs old T.V while sitting on dirty floor. :)
but yes, I do agree...Khaki and neon sounds PERFECT for spring. I'm sure you guys will find great neon stuff soon! I must go to Five point to check out if they have any neon stuff there.
Bye hotness~

First Lady of MADE said...

oh ladies your pics make me smile! what an exciting experience!

Humpty Dumpty said...

Im from Australia and its like boiling here.
btw, thanks for sharing the experience. wish i was there to escape from the heat...

Danika said...

Oooh, it looks like you guys had so much fun! I was at work when it happened, and we all listened to it live on the radio. The feeling of elation was universal.

Unknown said...

You gals were a part of an amazing day in history! It was surely worth it.