Friday, May 30, 2008

Springtime at Gypsy Camp

On our way to the Decatur Arts Festival last weekend, we made a quick stop at Gypsy Camp. It's only open a few times out of the year and located in an old stone building behind what use to be The Angel pub in Decatur.

Hat: Target, tank: H&M, dress: F21, bangles: Fred Flare, bag: Urban Outfitters.


Top: Old Navy, shorts: AA, Shoes: Psycho Sisters, Bag: Urban Outfitters.



Fashion Tidbits said...

ooo i'd think of a major fashion shoot coming with all those sculptures!!!!

Anonymous said...

that f21 dress is amazing! look so reminiscent of misoni and it's super flattering on!

Sharon said...

Love both your looks-it sounds like you had a fantastic time!!

Ella Gregory said...

I love the hat with the print on the dress
so summery

Gloria said...

looks fun! Love the dress...and the colors :)

Diana said...

That is a very cute dress. You have a great blog.

saray said...

that first pic is stuning!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Great pictures and lovely looks.

Fashion Is Poison said...

omg great background and bag!

Anonymous said...

hi! whats up! you are like the cutest thing in the world.. .love your outfit!

take care,

AsianCajuns said...

Fashion Tidbits, that's a brilliant idea!

Cupcakes and Cashmere, you're right, the dress is very Missoni-esque!

Sharon rose, we did - our empty wallets can vouch for us!

Coco, I agree. Lauren pulled off a great summer look.

Thanks gloria! it was super fun!

Thank you for the kind words, Diana.

Saray, we thought it was such a cool setting for an outfit pic.

thanks clothes horse!

Inspire me today, we love our UO bags!

Thanks Kyutie! Right back at ya!

Anonymous said...

love the first pic. you are like, totes rockin it.

decaturite said...

Echoing other comments...

LOVE the composition of the first shot! Give it a little crop and it would be frame-worthy!

Katie said...

LOVE that f21 dress and the pose! Missoni Cowgirl <3

The Fancier said...

Love the missoni-like dress!

Stephanie Shorr said...

love love your blog. added you to my blogroll