scarf: secondhand (Decatur Estates) shirt: Urban Outfitters cords: Cheap MondayMy favorite purchase of last weekend: two fringe piano scarves, one in black and one in cream. I've already worn them three times this week. When I get bored, I take them off and swirl them around like a flamenco dancer (minus the ruffly dress and castanelas- ole!).
jacket: H&M scarf: secondhand shirt: Urban Outfitters skirt: Express (many moons ago) boots: Target
I love that black scarf
the whole look and picture is actually amazing!
the black scarf is great!!! I really like the outfit!
My shortest comment yet: I want those scarves!!
Would you like me to send your castanelas? Ole!
very cool.
where do you go thrift shopping as I also live in atlanta
I like how you guys carry on black and white so well all the time
omg you look amazing!
one of the best outfits ive seen in many blogs i read!
your room is so nice as well :)
v. cute
I am in dire need of such a fringe scarf.
real nice shawls you got. i love shawls. can make an outfit so much better.!
How fun. I like clothes that can also be playthings!
I love it!!!!
cute outfit! does your tshirt have a print on it?
love the scarf!
Great outfit!
Every single piece is perfect.
Coco, thanks! I have a lot of fun trying to fit myself in our teeny Ikea mirror.
Lara, I liked the outfit so much myself that I worse something quite similar just yesterday ;)
Mare, I can probably still snag one for you! I'll check Decatur Estates this weekend.
Mom, muchisimas gracias! Though I doubt my neighbors will be pleased with my clacking every where.
Addicted, merci!
Heather, Cath and I hit places right by our house in greater Decatur. I picked up these scarves at Decatur Estates (in Suburban Plaza). We also go to Finders Keepers in Avondale and any salvation army stores... we'll do a post on this soon ;)
Eli, why thank you! It was unintentional ;)
Tinsley, that is the sweetest comment and I admire so many of the fashionista bloggers out there!
Something Picasso, I searched for fringe for about a year before I stumbled on to these... hope your search is considerably shorter.
Ediot, I agree! That's why I have so many.
Clothes Horse- me too!
Secretista, thank you!
Fashion Tidbits, the tee actually doesn't have a print, but I think the shadow from the scarf does make a design!
Thanks, Eleh!
Key, thank you! We think the same about much of your outfits ;)
loving fringe right now
hi! i like the way you threw the fringe scarf on :) it ties the look together!
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